Effective Tips Dog Walkers Should Consider During the Pandemic

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COVID-19 came with the challenges; no human was prepared for. It turned our lives upside down and with most world’s giants in the corporate sectors taking a blow, we found ourselves at the mercy of the pandemic. Keeping us quarantined, depressed, injured and putting our lives at a halt – COVID-19 came with a bang. For animals, too – the said situation is more or like the same. And if you are a pet parent or your job is to look after animals, you sure are aware of everything.

Specifically put, dog owners, dog parents or dog walkers need to devise their strategies in ways that nothing affect their and their dog’s health. And to help you cope with the pandemic and its aftermaths, we have gathered some tips to help dog walkers, walk your dog, prioritising their and your dog’s health at the most.

Limiting Human Contact

This one is by far the most obvious and yet the most crucial. Considering COVID-19 transmits from one person to another, physical distancing is the only and the most effective measure to prevent it from spreading.

That said when you are a dog walker, your clients visit your office or you go at theirs. This is one of those jobs, where limiting human contact can come across as a hassle. Still, it is important to take as many safety precautions as can be. You can consider having your clients at your office where your staff ensures safety precautions in the best ways possible.

Sanitising your Dog’s Leash

Before taking the dog out for a walk, consider sanitising their leash. The idea that your dog’s leash can have plenty of germs that may spread the disease makes it always better to take precautions. However, considering dogs aren’t affected by the disease, you don’t need to sanitise them. But make sure not to touch any object during your walk and chances are you’ll stay safe throughout.

Keep Sanitisers and Masks with You

There are more chances for you to come in contact with the disease than your dog. You can meet people during the walk who may be carrying the virus without you even knowing it. And once you come in contact with them, they’d transfer it into you. One way to avoid this from happening is keeping sanitisers with you. For this, you can consider wearing masks and gloves to protect yourself from the virus as much as you can. 

Found the insights in the blog helpful? Don’t forget to check more at Premier Dog Walkers to get more insightful content to make your and your dog’s walking experiences better during COVID-19.

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